Whispering Meadows Morgan Farm came about because of a life long passion for horses. We are a small farm nestled in the beautiful, rolling farmlands of Buffalo, MN. After working on a Morgan breeding farm it became clear that I loved breeding. Morgans had won my heart and I wanted to share the Morgan breed with others. Every Morgan that we own has been carefully selected to produce future Morgans with only the best of the breed’s qualities.
Here at Whispering Meadows Morgan Horse Farm we strive to bring old lines forward to help preserve the traits that made the Morgan the versatile horse that it is today. Other than exceptional conformation and good bloodlines, our top priority in picking out breeding stock is the horse’s temperament. All of our broodmares are broke to ride and taken into various situations to evaluate how they handle the situation. Those that show a level-head, think through situations and have an easy-going attitude are used for breeding.
We love spending quality time with our horses, building trusting relationships with them and going on trail-rides. Our goal at Whispering Meadows is to produce Morgans that have all the qualities we enjoy and share them with people around the world.
All of the professional photography of our horses on the site are done by Shelley Paulson Photography, unless otherwise stated.
Morgans, the horse that chooses you.
Our herd of Morgans was featured in the Novemeber/December issue of the Horse Illustrated magazine!